CJA Leads the Way to NYS Budget
Reform -- & competitive NYS Elections
Reporting, Editorials & Commentary on the Budget for Fiscal Year
2014-2015 (& Corruption/Electoral Issues)
CJA's December 2, 2013 e-mail to press --
"Subject: Big Day for NYS Governance: Where are
the Scholars to Provide Expert Opinions?"
January 12, 2014 e-mail to Watchdog.org -- "Subject: Building
Watchdog.org Journalism in NYS -- RE: Thank you for subscribing"
January 20, 2014 e-mail to press -- "Subject: What Do Your Sources
Inside Governor Cuomo's Office Tell You About What the Governor Will be
Doing with the Proposed Judiciary & Legislative Budgets -- and what say the
'good government groups' and 'experts'?"
Budget Is Said to Include Ethics and Campaign Finance Reform", New
York Times, Thomas Kaplan
CJA's January 20, 2014 e-mail to
Berkeley Brean /NewsChannel 10/Rochester-- "Subject: Achieving a NYS Budgeting Process that is
open, understandable, and enables New Yorkers to appropriately influence how
their tax dollars are spent" "How
the state budget can impact you and your family?", News Channel
CJA's January 22, 2014 e-mail to press -- "Subject: Changing the
Face of the 2014 Elections: Governor Cuomo's Larceny of Taxpayer
Monies by his Yesterday's Budget"
January 22, 2014 e-mail to Watchdog.org -- "Subject: Changing the
Face of the 2014 Elections: Governor Cuomo's Larceny of Taxpayer Monies by
his Yesterday's Budget"
Watchdog -- secrecy
CJA's January 25, 2014 e-mail to press -- "Subject: What will
Astorino & Paladino say at the Jan 26-27 Conservative Party Political Action
Conference about defeating Governor Cuomo & achieving a
Republican/Conservative sweep in the 2014 elections?"
CJA's January 25, 2014 e-mail to National Review Editor Rich Lowry --
"Subject: What winning strategy will you be offering at the Conservative
Pary's Jan 26-27 Political Action Conference to defeat Cuomo & sweep the
2014 elections?"
CJA's January 26, 2014 e-mail to Writer/Political Commentator Peggy Noonan
-- RE: What will you say at New York's Conservative Party
Political Action Conference about defeating Governor Cuomo and achieving a
Conservative/Republican sweep in the 2014 elections?"
CJA's April 25, 2014 e-mail to Epoch Times -- "Subject: TIME-SENSITIVE
NEWS LEAD: The Public Fights Back in a Lawsuit vs Commission to
Investigate Public Corruption"
CJA's May 28, 2014 e-mail to Jacob Gershman, Erica Orden/Wall Street Journal
-- "Is U.S. Attorney Bharara Investigating the corruption of the Commission
to Investigate Public Corruption?"
CJA's July 11, 2014 e-mail to Peter Green -- "Subject: A SCOOP FOR YOU!
The Unappointed Review Commission for JCOPE, etc."
CJA's July 16, 2014 e-mail to Peter Green -- "Subject: Making an
Electoral Difference: A SCOOP FOR YOU! The Unappointed Review
Commission for JCOPE, etc."
CJA's July 19, 2014 e-mail to Peter Green -- "Subject: The Other Shoe
Has Fallen on JCOPE: A SCOOP FOR YOU!"
CJA's July 17, 2014 e-mail to Justin Elliott -- "Subject: Your today's
article on Cuomo's conflicts of interest, etc."
Justin Elliott's July 17, 2014 e-mail
CJA's July 17, 2014 3-mail to Justin Elliot -- "Subject; Thanks for our
prompt response to this BIG SCOOP!..."
* * *
January 2, 2014
Paladino Says He's On a 'Mission' To Oust Dean Skelos and Brian Kolb",
Daily News, Glenn Blain
January 10, 2014
to 'Draft Trump' Gets A Second Meeting", State of Politics, Casey
Janauary 12, 2014
great Tappan Zee secret", NY Post, E.J. McMahon,
Nicole Gelinas
January 14, 2014
Paladino Turns On NYS Republican Chairman Ed Cox; Says He's Running Donald
Trump Off", Daily News, Ken Lovett
January 15, 2014
Cuomo, and the state of our state", Rochester City Newspaper, Mary
Anna Towler
January 17, 2014
'Extreme conservatives...have no place in the state of New York'",
Capitol Confidential, Casey Seiler
I Gave Cox The 'Pushback' he Deserved", State of Politics, Casey
January 18, 2014
To Release Budget Tuesday", WAMC radio, Karen
January 19, 2014
on NY: Progressive groups urge Cuomo to include public campaign financing in
budget", Auburn Citizen, Robert Harding
January 20, 2014
set to release the budget January 21", North Public Radio, Karen
Budget Is Said to Include Ethics and Campaign Finance Reform", New
York Times, Thomas Kaplan
to Include Public Campaign Finance in Budget Proposal", WXII, Karen
of New Yorkers Say They Would Re-Elect Cuomo, Poll Finds",
New York Times, Jesse McKinley
Happy with Cuomo Budget Proposal", North Public Radio, Karen DeWitt
rises (and Christie) falls in new poll", Capital New York, Laurie
met with Moreland leaders just before they sent first subpoenas",
Capital New York, Jimmy Vielkind
Cuomo to propose sex harassment complaints hotline for NY employees",
Daily News, Ken Lovett
would Cuomo do to get public campaign financing?",
Capital New York, Liz Benjamin
Horner: The Budget Battle Begins",
WAMC Radio
budget priorities include mandate relief, tax cuts, and reforming school
aid formula", Auburn
Citizen, Robert Harding
Cuomo still riding high with 2-1 favorability",
Capitol Confidential, Casey Seiler
"How the state
budget can impact you and your family?", News Channel 10/Rochester,
Berkeley Brean
WNY Republicans meet with Trump, ask key questions", Buffalo News,
Robert McCarthy
blasts Cuomo's comments on Conservatives", New York Post, Fred
January 21, 2014
things to watch for in Cuomo's budget", Capital New York, Jimmy
Act: state budget style", Capitol Confidential, Casey
Seiler, James Odato
Cuomo Should Be All Apologies", State of Politics, Nick Reisman
Says He'll Likely Run for Governor if Trump Doesn't",
WGRZ.com/Rochester Channel 2
January 22, 2014
by Cuomo Outrages Republicans", New York Times, Jesse McKinley
We'll Raise What We Need to Raise", State of Politics, Nick Reisman
January 23, 2014
York State Exposed: Following your Money into the General Fund",
News 10/Rochester, Berkley Brean
Warren and Eric Schneiderman Join Forces in New York", New York
Magazine, Chris Smith
is about our values'", Capital New York, Laura Nahmias
soon: The most conservative Holiday Inn in New York", Capitol
Confidential, Casey Seiler
Calls On Cox To Let the Convention Decide It", State of Politics,
Casey Bortnick
January 24, 2014
DiBlasio joins 'the tin cup brigade' on Monday",
Capitol Confidential, Rick Karlin
week on 'NYN': Bob Megna and More",
Capitol Confidential, Casey Seiler
Paladino: I'll bet you Donald Trump runs for Governor",
Gannett/Albany Watch, Jon Campbell
Cuomo and Senate Independent Dems Met To Talk About This Year's Agenda",
Daily News, Ken Lovett
January 25, 2014
of NY millionaires on rise",
Gannett, Joseph Spector(includes quotes from E.J. McMahon-Empire Center
for Public Policy)
state: NY last in nation migration", NY Post, Carl Capanile
(quotes & based on E.J. McMahon-Empire Center for Public Policy)
Long Short Story", Albany Times
January 26, 2014
on Trump: 'I see good things coming",
Buffalo News, Robert McCarthy
Experts Urge Major Reforms in State, Local Government Budgeting",
PaloAltoPatch, Bea Karnes/Clifton B. Parker
Who is New York's Richard the Lionhearted?",
Capitol Confidential, Bryan Fitzgerald
sees 'good things' on prospect of Trump candidacy",
Buffalo News, Tom Precious
January 27, 2014
Pro: DeBlasio's big day in Albany; Astorino meets the Conservatives",
Capital New York, Jimmy Vielkind
Cuomo opponent Astorino address Conservatives",
Albany Times Union,
Conservatives, a choice", Albany
Times Union, Casey Seiler
threatens mayhem if GOP picks Astorino",
Capital New York, Jimmy Vielkind
steals the how at the conference",
Albany Times Union, Bryan Fitzgerald
Astorino says GOP, Conservatives will unite",
Gannett, Jon Campbell
before NYS Conservatives, Rob Astorino Sounds Like Gubernatorial
Candidate", Daily News, Ken
$2B budget surplus has ifs", Capital New York, Jimmy Vielkind
January 28, 2014
Cuomo, the wily divider", Daily News, Opinion-Bill Hammond
March 2, 2013
for Albany", New York Post, editorial
March 13, 2014
the Senate's one-house budget",
Capitol Confidential, Casey Seiler
March 22, 2014
budget Cuomo can keep", Albany Times Union, Jonathan Soros,
Frederick A.O. Schwarz
March 24, 2014
cuts caused Manhattan courts to work without officers",
New York Post, Julia Marsh
Talks Remain Fluid Lawmakers Say",
State of Politics, Nick Reisman
Pre-K: What Else is at Stake for NYC in the State Budget",
Gotham Gazette/Citizens Union, David Howard King
March 25, 2014
State is running out of time on budget",
Poughkeepsie Journal
Legislative Leaders Find Their Happy Place, But a Budget Remains Elusive",
Daily News, Glenn Blain
finance reformers list top NY donors",Wall
Street, Journal, Associated Press
Being Discussed", State of
Politics, Nick Reisman
Lots of topics for discussion at leaders meeting",
Capitol Confidential, Casey Seiler
No agreement yet on New York state budget", Associated Press,
view: Look out, here comes the state budget",editorial,
March 26, 2014
raids NYC politican, he blames 'tabloid hit job'", NY Post, Pat
March 27, 2014
says NY budget deal hours away",
Newsday, Mike Gormley
March 28, 2014
New York's $137B Big Ugly'",
editorial, Newsday
on NY budget continues Friday night",
will have a hard time silencing Moreland",
Gotham Gazette/Citizens Union, David Howard Union
Would Mark Twain Say About Today's New York Political Corruption",
Huffington Post, Stephen Bowman
March 29, 2014
calls for more funding",
Tonawanda News
stall on state budget deal as Monday deadline nears",
Chalkbeat, Geoff Decker
of the budget introduced before midnight, but not education bill",
Democrat & Chronicle/Gannett, Jon Campbell
budget bills missed Friday-night deadline",
Capitol Confidential, Casey Seiler
budget react-o-mat", Capitol
Confidential, Casey Seiler
campaign finance limited to Comptroller",
Capital NY, Jessica Alaimo
It ain't over on public financing",
Captiol Confidential, Casey Seiler
news for M/Cs in budget",
Capitol Confidential, Casey Seiler
offers 'highlights' of budget deal"
Capitol Confidential, Casey Seiler
York budget deal reached",
Poughkeepsie Journal/Gannett, Jon Campbell, Joseph Spector
Moreland panel will shut down", Capitol Confidential, Casey Seiler
Pass Ethics, No More Moreland",
State of Politics, Nick Reisman
March 30, 2014
York's unfinished budget", editorial, New York Times
Center Disappointed at Decision to Shut Down Moreland Commission"
budget plan offers incentive to end Moreland Commission",
Poughkeepsie Journal, Jon Campbell
Vote Monday Could End Cuomo's Moreland Commission", WGRZ-TV, Jon
State Budget Finalized, Voting on Monday", WAMC, Karen DeWitt
Passing budget would dissolve Moreland Commission",
Legislative Gazette, Matthew Dondiego
rip state's new campaign finance program for 'significant flaws'",
Daily News, Ken Lovett
March 31, 2014
yields minimal reform in on-time budget",
Gotham Gazette/Citizens Union, David Howard King
York Lawmakers shut down Cuomo's Moreland Commission to investigate
Albany corruption", Syracuse
Post Standard, Michelle Breidenbach
Public Financing Changes Being Discussed",
State of Politics, Nick Reisman
Says Campaign Finance Plan Has Serious Flaws",
WXII, Karen DeWitt
budget will be passed on time even if it's late",
Newsday, Mike Gormley
son pushed Cuomo, legislature into campaign funding",
NY Post, Fred Dicker
Commission to go down in a blaze of referrals",
Capital, Jimmy Vielkind
vote could end Moreland Commission",
Democrat & Chronicle/Gannett, Jon Campbell
Corruption Panel's Demise Angers Watchdogs", Jesse McKinley, Thomas
Kaplan, NYT
swing and mess", Albany Times Union, editorial
April 1, 2014
to kill the Moreland commission, enact weak campaign finance reforms are
insufficient", Buffalo News, editorial
April 2, 2014
on Gov. Cuomo For Killing the Moreland Commission", The Jewish
Voice, editorial
April 3, 2014
budget passes on time", Rockland County Times, Kathy Kahn
again falls short", The Daily Gazette, editorial
is almost a reality", Albany Times Union, guest commentary,
Albany D.A. Soares
week on 'NYN': DiNapoli wonders why no one picked up the phone",
Capitol Confidential, Casey Seiler
April 6, 2014
planning tools could improve state's budgeting process", Illinois
April 8, 2014
campaign finance oversight just got weaker in Albany, says observers",
Newsday, Mike Gormley
I won't be 'sacrificial lamb' on campaign finance reform", North
Country Radio, Karen DeWitt
Smith's fraud and bribery trial set for June", New York Post, Rich
April 9, 2014
York corruption commission quietly closing down", Newsday/AP
view: Corrupt state lawmakers get a reprieve", auburnpub.com,
Citizen Editorial Board
Attorney Criticizes Cuomo's Closing of Panel", William Rashbaum,
Suzanne Craig, New York Times
April 10, 2014
Fee: The Price of Silencing Morland", Gotham Gazette/Citizens Union,
David King
Wasn't Built in a Day' Preet Bharara Continues Cuomo Criticism on
Anti-Corruption Commission", New York Observer, Ross Barkan
Timothy Cardinal Dolan is outraged that Albany did not approve promised
tax credits", Daily News, Glenn Blain
Republicans offer most budget pork", Capital New York, Will
Brunelle, Jimmy Vielkind
commission winds down in NY", News Channel
won't rule out investigating Cuomo over Moreland Commission",
Gannett, Joseph Spector
Attorney won't rule out investigating Cuomo", Gannett, Joseph
says Moreland came to a natural end", Capitol Confidential, James
on the premature end of Cuomo's ethics commission", Capital New
York, Laura Nahmias
responds to Moreland rebuke", Capital New York, Laura Nahmias
prosecutor vows to complete all Moreland Commission probes", Buffalo
News, Tom Precious
States Attorney's Office Looking Into the Closing of Gov Cuomo's
Anti-Corruption Panel", New York Magzine, Caroline Bankoff
Attorney Seizes Documents from Moreland Commission", City & State,
Morgan Pehme
prosecutor won't rule out prosecuting Cuomo",
Crains New York Business, Chris Bragg
Slam governor rounds the bases", Democrat & Chronicle/Gannett,
prosecutors take over last of New York's anti-corruption cases as state
commission closes", AP/syracuse.com
Caught Up in Rare Conflict with Prosecutors", New York Times, Thomas
Kaplan, William Rashbaum
Won't Rule Out Cuomo-Moreland Probe" Brian Lehrer show, WNYC
Attorney takes control of Cuomo commission probes", Times
Union, James Odato
Moreland: 'Former Co-chairs 'pleased' with Bharara's moves", Capitol
Confidential, James Odato
Cuomo's gift to the cynics", New York Times, editorial
"Sitting Preet-y",
New York Post, editorial
Cuomo's anti-corruption commission agrees to turn over files to U.S.
Attorney", New York Daily News, Ken Lovett
Corruption Commission Passes Baton to Bharara",
Wall Street Journal, Jacob Gershman
April 11, 2014
"Go, Preet, Go",
Daily News, editorial
Cuomo trims down pork-barrel spending from state budget, issuing 483
vetoes", Daily News, Glenn Blain, Ken Lovett
-- and karma -- sting Chris Christie, Andrew Cuomo", Politico,
Alexander Burns, Maggie Haberman
C.D.:Rivals slam Rice on state probe; DA decries 'mud' slilng",
Newsday, Robert Brodsky
my choice", Capital New York, Laura Nahmias
chairman: what did the president, er, governor know and when did he know
it?", Buffalo News, Tom Precious
Risk Report: Death of NY Anti-Graft Body Fits Statewide Trend",
Wall Street Journal, Samuel Rubenfeld
April 12, 2014
spring cleaning: fix legal loopholes", Journal News/Gannett,
Bahrara now takes on Governor Andrew Cuomo", India news reporting
Seiler: The boy who cried Moreland", Albany Times Union
of Cuomo's anti-corruption commission detail frustrating environment
curbed by administration", Daily News, Ken Lovett
April 13, 2014
men behind the masks", Daily News, Mark Green
suit ending with NY corruption commission", Wall Street Journal/AP
April 14, 2014
get a critic his own size", Capital New York, Blake Zeff
amid Moreland struggles, realizes he might lose", New
York Post, Fred Dicker
handling of ethics commission points to his control freak style:
insiders", Daily News, Ken Lovett
Preet met the Moreland panel", Capitol Confidential, Casey Seiler
defends Moreland's demise in op-ed", Capitol Confidential, Casey
Moreland Mission", Huffington Post, William Fitzpatrick
April 15, 2014
Picks to Write Moreland Report were Nixed by Second-Floor Insiders:
Updated", City & State, Morgan Pehme, Jon Lentz, Matthew Hamilton
April 17, 2014
Panel Gone, A Move to Monitor New York Lawmakers' Income Is Thwarted",
New York Times, Thomas Kaplan
April 18, 2014
Israel: Cuomo held accountable, let's hope others are, too", Times
NYU, Astorino complains about Cuomo's playbook, reads from his own",
Capital New York, Conor Skelding
'Big Ugly'?", Gotham Gazette, David Howard King
April 22, 2014
commission dissolves without public notice", Epoch
Times, Petr Svab
Disapprove of Cuomo's Shutdown of Anticorruption Panel, Poll Shows",
New York Times, Thomas Kaplan, Suzanne Craig
April 23, 2014
Samuels calls on US Attorney to probe Gov. Cuomo's fundraising",
Daily News, Ken Lovett
April 24, 2014
'surprised' Gov. Cuomo shut down anti-corruption commission so fast",
Daily News, Ken Lovett
on Moreland tampering: It's my commission",
Crain's Business, Chris Bragg
April 25, 2014
Cuomo: I didn't interfere with anti-corruption panel...but if I did,
it's my prerogative", Daily News, Ken Lovett
Cuomo stands by his decision to shut down anti-corruption commission",
Daily News, Ken Lovett
Moreland extortive? Depends on when you ask...",
Capitol Confidential, Casey Seiler
Cuomo's tantrum", New York Times, Eleanor Randolph
commission", New York Post, editorial
April 26, 2014
unite around Suffolk County real estate broker", Capitol
Confidential, James Odato
April 27, 2014
superpac to launch anti-Schneiderman campaign", New York Post, Carl
April 28, 2014
advisors criticizes Cuomo", Newsday, Mike Gormley
curious reform logic", Daily News, William Hammond
April 29, 2014
accusations of the season fly in the Governor's race", Gannett,
Joseph Spector
April 30, 2014
widen crackdown on New York political corruption", New York Post,
Carl Campanile, Pat Bailey
Bharara asks for all complaints filed with NYS ethics commission",
Daily News, Ken Lovett
U.S. Attorney goes after state's troubled ethics watchdog", Gannett,
Joseph Spector
Attorney Subpoenas Records of Ethics Panel", New York Times,
Suzanne Craig, William Rashbaum
on JCOPE subpoena", Capitol Confidential, Rick Karlin
Prosecutor Subpoenas New York Ethics Enforcement Agency", Wall
Street Journal
Attorney Subpoenas Documents from State Ethics Panel", WAMC Radio,
Karen DeWitt
May 2, 2014
commission members says there are cases of potential government
corruption that need review", Daily News, Ken Lovett
May 6, 2014
campaign finance 'last meaningful reform left undone'", Capitol
Confidential, Casey Seiler
mum on Moreland-investigation questions", Capital New York, Jimmy
distances himself from Moreland commission", Gannett, Jon Campbell
Said to Seek Records from Anticorruption Panel's Members", NY Times,
William Rashbaum, Suzanne Craig
can't talk about Moreland subpoena", Capitol Confidential, Casey
Senate & Assembly leaders express little concern about U.S. Attorney's
Moreland Commission probe", Daily News, Glenn Blain
Preet Bharara just starting with Moreland Commission", Gannett,
Joseph Spector
May 7, 2014
still needed to bring ethics to state government", Schnectady
Gazette, editorial
May 8, 2014
residents fed up with constant corrupt lawmakers", Daily News,
Reuven Fenton, Pat Bailey
May 9, 2014
huddles with W.F.P, reformers on campaign finance", Capital New
York, Jimmy Vielkind
Attorney Bharara Serves Subpoenas To NYS Ethics Committee for Corruption
Claims", Jewish Voice, Ira Katz
first in nation, DeFrancisco to support new commission on prosecutorial
misconduct", Syracuse.com, Ken Sturtz
May 11, 2014
Moreland: Documents Reveal Details of Lawmakers' Campaign Spending",
City & State, Jon Lentz, Matthew Hamilton, Morgan Pehme
works to mend fences with liberals", New York Times, Thomas Kaplan,
Suzanne Craig
May 12, 2014
complaint filed against John Cahill a day after he announces run for
attorney general", Daily News, Ken Lovett
unfinished clean-up", Times Union, editorial
Fitzpatrick: NY Legislature's prosecutor conduct proposal retaliation
for Moreland Commission", Teri Weaver, Syracuse.com
referrals spur call for itemized expenses", Capital New York, Jimmy
Vielkind *
kept pols 'on the payroll' before ballot bribes: feds", NY Post, Pat
Baily, Bruce Golding
May 13, 2014
Common Sense Budget", City & State/John DiFrancisco
say no, Gov", Daily News, editorial
May 14, 2014
Astorino: Gov. Cuomo a dirty down-in-the-mud politician", Daily
News, Ken Lovett
On Comptroller Only Public Financing: 'Let's try it out", Nick
May 15, 2014
new New York republicans", New York Post, editorial
mock Rob Astorino as cry baby in seat controversy", Daily News,
Glenn Blain & Ken Lovett
GOP leader Dean Skelos says 'discussions' taking place on campaign
financing", Daily News, Ken Lovett
May 16, 2014
Time Left for Campaign Reforms", New York Times, editorial board
Smith has a surprise witness he says will clear his name", New York
Post, Rich Calder, Carl Campanile
May 18, 2014
of two no-show defenses", Albany Times Union, James Odato
May 19, 2014
John Liu will run for state senate against Dem incumbent Tony Avela:
source", Daily News, Ken Lovett
blast former Morland co-chair as 'hypocrite'", Daily News, Ken
wants state to reimburse legal expenses", New York Post, Fred Dicker
May 20, 2014
Sees Chance as Schneiderman Seeks 2nd Term as AG", New York Times,
Thomas Kaplan, Jesse McKinley
May 21, 2014
tall, Gov", Daily News, editorial
write state laws", editorial, Poststar.com
Bronx Assemblyman Sentenced for Corruption", New York Times,
Benjamin Weiser
May 22, 2014
Picks Ex-Congresswoman as Running Mate", New York Times, Thomas
boss rule", Daily News, editorial
shows legislators still distrust state government", Legislative
Gazette, Matthew Dondiego
Astorino can fight corruption", Newsday, editorial
May 27, 2014
defends Moreland Commission's hiring of criminal defense attorney",
Wall Street Journal, Erica Orden
tell NY Legislature to retain records in probe: gov's office says it
will cooperate" , Newsday, Mike Gormley
Assembly told to preserve Moreland records", Newsday, Mike Gormley
Assembly and Senate receive Moreland Commission related records
preservation request from the US Attorney", Daily News, Ken Lovett
May 28, 2014
US Attorney Preet Bharara Keeps the Heat on Albany", Wall Street
Journal, Jacob Gershman
challenges Cuomo on Moreland Commission", Legislative Gazette, Kelly
June 12, 2014
holds secret meeting of disbanded anti-corruption panel",
Albany Times Union, Robert Gavin
June 18, 2014
Game After Push to Revamp Campaign Financing Fails", Wall Street
Journal, Erica Orden
June 23, 2014
Has Raised Millions Through Loophole He Pledged to Close", Moyers &
Publica, Theodoric Meyer
June 27, 2014
in Manhattan Pleads Guilty to 2 Felonies", New York Times, Benjamin
Weiser, Thomas Kaplan
June 30, 2014
months after Gov. Cuomo pulled plug on Moreland Commission, executive
director still being paid", Daily News, Ken Lovett
July 1, 2014
state senator accused of lying to the FBI is indicted", AP/Crain's
July 2, 2014
with a capitol C", Daily News, William Hammond
July 18, 2014
Issues Subpoena in Inquiry on Cuomo's Closing of Moreland Commission",
New York Times, William Rashbaum, Suzanne Craig
"Teachout on Moreland
news: Cuomo's Albany is structurally corrupt", Capitol Confidential,
Casey Seiler
Corruption Prosecutor is Tapped as Bharara's Chief Counsel", Wall
Street Journal, Jacob Gershman
from Moreland Commission Continues", Gannett, Joseph Specter
July 20, 2014
Parties Tailor-Made for New York State", Buffalo News, Denise Jewell
on corruption", Times Union, editorial
July 21, 2014
lawmakers spent $300,000 in last six months in legal fees over scandals",
Daily News, Ken Lovett
Cuomo's lead insurmountable?", Crains Business Week
July 21, 2014
state assembly candidate's 'ragged' efforts for 'hope and change'",
NY Post, Michael Benjamin
of voters think Albany lawmakers are corrupt: poll", Daily News,
Celeste Katz
shifting state Senate landscape", City & State
Are Not Surprised When Albany Pols Get Indicted: Siena Poll Says",
NY Observer
July 23, 2014
Office Hobbled State Ethics Inquiries", New York Times, Suzanne
Craig, William Rashbaum, Thomas Kaplan
up to Cuomo's political 'con' game", New York Post, Michael Goodwin
Brooklyn Democrat Backs Indicted Senator's Reelection Bid", City &
State, Jon Lentz
July 24, 2014
Attorney Preet Bharara: My Office Will Investigate Public Corruption",
July 30, 2014
Bharara, Eric Schneiderman meet for lunch amid Cuomo's scandal", New
York Post, Carl Campanile
July 31, 2014
of chief Cuomo anti-corruption defender up for judgeship", New York
Post, Geoff Earle, Carl Campanile
August 2, 2014
to pay Moreland lawyer out of his campaign war chest", New York
Post, Carl Campanile
August 11, 2014
warrant targets Frances Libous, wife of GOP senator", Capital NY,
Jimmy Vielkind
August 15, 2014
When will the public say enough is enough?", Gannett, Joseph Spector
Cox: nine senate districts in play", State of Politics, Nick Reisman
Finance Board retains attorney in probe", Crains NY, Chris Bragg
Andrew Cuomo scandal explained", Vox, Andrew Prokop
August 16, 2014
commissions scored wins and criticism", Gannett, Joseph Spector, Jon
easy answers in prosecutor's probe into allegations that Cuomo meddled
with corruption commission", Associated Press, Michael Virtanen
August 18, 2014
Cleaning Up Albany Keeps Being Left to Bharara", Gotham Gazette,
David Howard King
real Moreland takeaway", Daily News, Gerald Benjamin, Fritz Schwartz
August 20, 2014
voters see Gov. Cuomo as part of New York's corruption problem, not
solution: Quinnipiac Poll", Daily News, Celeste Katz
August 25, 2014
"Lost in the Controversy -- Moreland's critical
recommendations", Legislative Gazette, James Gormley
August 26,2014
Commission haunts Klein-Koppell Debate", Riverdale Press, Shant
August 17, 2014
Schneiderman defends work on public corruption cases", Newsday,
Michael Gormley
August 19, 2014
Outsider: Zephyr Teachout Will Never Be Governor, So Why is Andrew Cuomo
Worried?" Village Voice, Anna Merlan
August 29, 2014
Utica Chamber calls for 'complete investigation' of Moreland Commission",
Business Journal News Network
September 2, 2014
fees top $100K for Sen. Tom Libous Campaign", Gannett, Jon Campbell
September 3, 2014
Would Revive Moreland, Limit Big Donor Money ", North Country
Gazette, Teachout
September 8, 2014
I 'Endorsed" Andrew Cuomo", The New Yorker, John Cassidy
Race is Shaping Up as a Nail Biter", Wall Street Journal, Mike
September 11, 2014
Preet Bharara prepares for the spotlight", Crain's Business (Andrew
September 12, 2014
Astorino calls on Preet Bharara to detail Moreland Commission probe
findings before Election Day", Daily News, Ken Lovett
October 1, 2014
a Smirk, Bharara Diagnoses New York's Corruption Problem", Ben Max,
Citizen Union
October 2, 2014
wants paystubs", NY Post editorial
York needs Preet Bharara to stay on as US Attorney and keep fighting
corruption", NY Post, Michael Benjamin
December 17, 2014
trial lawyers' playground", Daily News (Bill Hammond)
December 22, 2014
year's biggest winners and losers in state politics", NY Post, Fred
December 29, 2014
eye boycott of Cuomo inauguration and State address", NY Post, Fred
Speaker Silver was scrutinized by Moreland Commission", Wall Street
* * *
MENU of NYS Budget Reform Webpages