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Compensation Committee's December 10, 2018 Report

CJA's July 15, 2019 NOTICE
to the Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General, & Legislators 

transmitting e-mail (mailing receipts)             

July 16, 2019 e-mail to stipend recipients  

CJA'S July 15, 2019 ANALYSIS

Exhibit A-1:    CJA’s July 17, 2018 FOIL/records request to Governor, Senate, Assembly, and Judiciary –
                        “Part HHH of Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Budget Bill S.7509-C/A.9509.C”

Exhibit A-2a:   Judiciary’s July 17, 2018 acknowledgment;

Exhibit A-2b:   Judiciary’s August 28, 2018 response

Exhibit A-3:    Senate’s July 24, 2018 response

Exhibit A-4:    Assembly’s July 24, 2018 response

Exhibit A-5a:  Governor’s July 24, 2018 acknowledgment

Exhibit A-5b:  Governor’s August 21, 2018 extension letter

Exhibit A-5c:  Governor’s September 19, 2018 extension

Exhibit A-5d:  Governor’s October 3, 2018 response

Exhibit B-1
:    CJA’s November 14, 2018 e-mail – “Request to Testify – Friday, Nov. 30, 2018 NYC hearing”

Exhibit B-2:    Compensation Committee's November 16, 2018 response

Exhibit B-3:    CJA’s November 28, 2018 e-mail – “Confirmation…”

Exhibit B-4:    Compensation Committee's November 29, 2018 e-mail

Exhibit C:        Sassower’s November 30, 2018 written testimony, with its accompanying constitutional provisions pertaining
                         to the state budget and the openness mandated for legislative proceedings

Exhibit D
:       Transcription of Sassower’s oral testimony at the November 30, 2018 public hearing 
                                        CJA's webpage for VIDEO of testimony

Exhibit E-1:     CJA’s December 3, 2018 e-mail – “The NYS Compensation Committee’s website, its e-mail address –
                         & the records of the prior compensation commissions”

Exhibit E-2:     Compensation Committee's December 3, 2018 e-mail

Exhibit E-3:     CJA’s December 3, 2018 e-mail – “Excellent”

Exhibit F:        CJA’s December 5, 2018 e-mail – “Assembly Speaker Heastie’s fraudulent, deceitful presentation in support
                        of legislative pay raises – as established by EVIDENCE”

Exhibit G
:       CJA’s December 6, 2018 e-mail & letter to Assembly Speaker Heastie, with cc to Compensation Committee –
                        “Demand that You Substantiate Your Nov. 30, 2018 Testimony before the NYS Compensation Committee
                        with EVIDENCE – as You Furnished NONE”       CJA's webpage for December 6, 2018 letter

Exhibit H:       CJA’s December 7, 2018 e-mail – “When will the Compensation Committee be posting the video of
                        yesterday’s meeting – as well as all comments/submissions received?”

Exhibit I:         CJA’s December 10, 2018 e-mail – “AGAIN: “When will the Compensation Committee be posting the video
                        of its Dec. 6th meeting – & will it post pdfs of the EVIDENCE I handed up in substantiation of my Nov. 30th oral
                        & written testimony?”

Exhibit J:         CJA’s December 28, 2018 e-mail to the Committee – “Where Will the Records of the Compensation
                         Committee be Maintained Upon Expiration & Repeal of the Committee Statute on December 31, 2018?”

Exhibit K-1
:    CJA’s June 20, 2019 FOIL/records request to Governor, Senate, and Assembly – “Records of the
                        Compensation Committee Established Pursuant to Part HHH of Chapter 59 of the Laws of 2018”

Exhibit K-2:    Senate’s June 27, 2019 response

Exhibit K-3:    Assembly’s June 27, 2019 response

Exhibit K-4a:  CJA’s July 1, 2019 FOIL/records request to Governor – “AGAIN…“Records of the Compensation Committee
                         Established Pursuant to Part HHH of Chapter 59 of the Laws of 2018”

Exhibit K-4b:   Governor’s July 3, 2019 response

Exhibit L-1:     CJA’s July 9, 2019 e-mail to Compensation Committee pro bono counsel Alan Klinger, Esq. and Dina Kolker,
                        Esq. – “Whereabouts of the Records of the Committee on Legislative & Executive Compensation –
                        & Responsibility for its Website”

Exhibit L-2:    July 10, 2019 response from Compensation Committee pro bono counsel Kolker

Exhibit M:       “Committee Approves Pay Raise For New York Lawmakers”, New York Law Journal,
                         December 7, 2018 front-page article (Dan Clark)

Exhibit N-1:    “Assemblymembers Scott Stringer, Sam Hoyt and Fifteen Other Majority Members
                        Introduce Landmark Assembly Rules Change
”, press release, September 28, 2004

Exhibit N-2
:    “How to Make Albany Behave”, New York Times, Op-Ed by Scott Stringer & Jeremy Creelan,
                        November 7, 2004

*  *  *

“offering a false instrument for filing in the first degree” (Penal Law §175.35)

“defrauding the government” (Penal Law §195.20)

“scheme to defraud in the first degree” (Penal Law §190.65)

“Corrupting the government in the first degree” (Penal Law §496.05)
"Public corruption"  (Penal Law §496.06)


Compensation Committee website
with its VIDEOS & written submissions, etc.

 CJA's Dispositive Testimony -- Oral & Written --
at the Compensation Committee's November 30, 2018 hearing -- VIDEO

CJA's December 6, 2018 letter to Assembly Speaker Heastie
"Demand that You Substantiate Your November 30, 2018 Testimony Before the New York State Compensation Committee with EVIDENCE -- as You Furnished NONE"

The Unconstitutional, Fraudulent ENACTMENT of Part HHH
of Revenue Budget Bill S.7509-C/A.9509-C

The "Flawed" Legislation -- Part HHH, AS WRITTEN

The "Flawed" Legislation -- Part HHH -- AS APPLIED
The Compensation Committee, in Inaction & Action


Stroock, Stroock & Lavan LLC -- General Litigation & Government Affairs Division
Alan Klinger, Esq.  Nina Kolker, Esq.

CJA's webpage for "Scholar"/Deputy Comptroller for Budget & Policy Analysis Robert Ward


July 25, 2018
"Major Party NY AG Candidates Would Take Pay Cut if Elected, Filings Show"
NY Law Journal  (Dan Clark)







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