New York Law School's Program in Law & Journalism
CJA's December 27, 2006 memo to New York Law School Associate
Dean Jethro Lieberman -- "PROGRAM IN LAW &
JOURNALISM: Building Scholarship, Commentary, & Pedagogy based on Primary
Source Documentary Evidence, Beginning with the Evidence Presented by CJA’s
Groundbreaking Public Interest Lawsuit against The New York Times in
Vindication of the First Amendment – for which additionally, we seek
amicus curiae and other legal assistance, either pro bono or
CJA's December 27, 2006 memo to
PLJ recipients
-- Cameron
Stracher, Lis Wiehl, Daphne Eviatar, Floyd Abrams, Catherine Crier, Kris
Fischer, James Goodale, Adam Liptak, Victor Navasky, Stewart Pinkerton, Jay
Rosen, Robert Blecker, Michael Botein, Beth Simone Noveck, Tanina Rostain,
James F. Simon, Richard Sherwin -- "PROGRAM IN LAW &
JOURNALISM: Building Scholarship, Commentary, & Pedagogy based on Primary
Source Documentary Evidence, Beginning with the Evidence Presented by CJA’s
Groundbreaking Public Interest Lawsuit against The New York Times in
Vindication of the First Amendment – for which additionally, we seek
amicus curiae and other legal assistance, either pro bono or
CJA's January
3, 2007 e-mail -- "Superseding Memo -- Program in Law & Journalism:
Building Scholarship, Commentary, & Pedagogy based on Primary Source
Documentary Evidence"
Co-Director Stracher's January 3, 2007 e-mail -- "Your Memo
Regarding 'Building Scholarship, Commentary & Pedagogy"
January 3, 2007 e-mail to Co-Director Stracher -- "Your Response"
PLJ Co-Director Stracher's January 3, 2007 e-mail -- "Your Memo"
January 3, 2007 e-mail -- "Clarification"
February 16, 2007 Symposium: "Writing About the Law: From
Bluebook to Blogs and Beyond"
Sassower's public comment & question at Morning Panel #1: "Just Cite It! The
Traditional Law Review Structure"
February 20, 2007 letter from Jethro Lieberman, Associate Dean for Academic
Affairs & Professor
CJA's April 4, 2007
memo to Associate Lieberman, etc. --
"Fostering a
'Culture of Collaboration' between Academia and Activists: Putting into
Practice Law Review Recommendations for Media Reform and Accountability --
CJA's Public Interest Lawsuit against The New York Times, Championing
"Necessary Knowledge for a Democratic Public Sphere"